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Proud Sponsor of Heroes and Horses

Proud Sponsor of Heroes and Horses

Heroes and horses is a unique program that uses the remote wilderness and the horse/human connection to challenge and inspire personal growth in veterans suffering from mental and physical scars.

“The Heroes and Horses program re-galvanizes our nation’s veterans, challenging them to rediscover who they are and what they can be moving forward. Heroes and Horses’ focus is not about what happened, but what can happen when one chooses to press on. By “challenging what challenges them,” Heroes and Horses provides veterans the chance to make peace with their past and replace devastating memories with positive ones.” ~Heroes and Horses

“Earlier this year 5 Star Equine Products donated saddle pads, pack pads, and cinches to Heroes and Horses to show their support for Veterans. Thank you for your donation 5 Star. More importantly, thank you for making excellent products that have taken impeccable care for our horses and mules. After intense product testing, they have performed beautifully.” ~ Heroes and Horses

Heroes and Horses provides a path to restoration by providing combat veterans who have been injured and/or diagnosed with PTSD with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reconnect with their strengths and develop their leadership potential. Their goal is to help as many veterans as possible, but they can’t do it alone. Get Involved

Veteran Chris Alvarado

5 Star Equine Products had the honor of hearing from an actual veteran whose life has been impacted in a positive way by the Heroes and Horses Program! What anhonor!

“Hello my name is Chris Alvarado I am a recent graduate of heroes and horses this past month and I wanted to personally thank you for donating gear to heroes and horses. I’ve never been around horses or any gear of that nature before but can contest your products really hold up and are a breeze to clean! I finished my time with heroes and horses and worked for an outfitter who didn’t have any five star products and could definitely tell the difference between their pads they were using and raved to them how awesome your pads really are. Thank you again for donating and giving back to the veteran community, without companies like yours I couldn’t experience life changing programs like heroes and horses. THANK YOU!”

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